Name: Mike Compton
Profession: Owner/Operator of Dog Days Doggie Daycare in Bentonville
Pets: 7 dogs, all rescues - Baer, Gigi, Max, Ella, Rowdy, Beauty, Buddy
1. What is your favorite word? Splendimous
2. What is your least favorite word? Can't
3. What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally? Opportunity
4. What turns you off creatively, spiritually or emotionally? Negative People
5. What sound do you love? Barking
6. What sound do you hate? Sound of good-bye
7. What profession other than your would you like to attempt? Can't imagine doing anything else until the next thing comes along
8. What profession would you not like to attempt? Anything involving computers or bookkeeping
9. If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates? Well done, good and faithful servant
10. Cat person or dog person? Dog
11. Favorite BigWag treat? BigWag cakes
12. Least Favorite BigWag treat? Such a thing hasn't been made
13. What's your pet peeve? Lying/dishonesty
14. What's your guilty pleasure? Peanut M&M's
15. What do you drive? Gray Toyota Previa Van (it holds all the dogs)
16. What's your favorite ice cream flavor? Chocolate
17. Where is you favorite spot to hang out? In my arm chair at home with my books and dogs
18. What was the last book you read? Read three at once, The Great Bridge by David McCullough; Rising Tide by Joh M. Barry; House of Morgan by Ron Chernow