Ok I am new here. Found your place from a friend on fb. I am going to come to your place I need 4 outfits my girls are poodles and there all different WTD and size. I do want to ask that little black dog with the purple mask on is it for sale? My hubby and I are scuba divers and 2 of the girls likes wearing a mask out in lake. I would love to get that so I can take to lake and have pictures made with them in there new swimsuits I am crocheting them . So I hope you will get back to me. Hugs jan
Delicious, hand crafted, fresh baked artisian treats for your four legged best friends. Human grade ingredients with no added salt, sugar, artificial color or preservatives. We believe treats can not only be good for them, but that they can taste great as well - without any "pallatability enhancers", and the proof is in our closely guarded secret recipies that dogs absolutely love. Real flavors, real dog treats. Give your dog a Bigwag today!
Ok I am new here. Found your place from a friend on fb. I am going to come to your place I need 4 outfits my girls are poodles and there all different WTD and size. I do want to ask that little black dog with the purple mask on is it for sale? My hubby and I are scuba divers and 2 of the girls likes wearing a mask out in lake. I would love to get that so I can take to lake and have pictures made with them in there new swimsuits I am crocheting them . So I hope you will get back to me. Hugs jan