Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Mardi Gras, Bigwag Style!

Yesterday we had our annual Mardi Gras Yappie Hour. We had a great time and gave away a $50 gift basket for finding the "baby" in the King Cake.

Cecil, King of Mardi Gras!

The gift basket to be given away

Winner - Matt Sims

1 comment:

  1. Ok I am new here. Found your place from a friend on fb. I am going to come to your place I need 4 outfits my girls are poodles and there all different WTD and size. I do want to ask that little black dog with the purple mask on is it for sale? My hubby and I are scuba divers and 2 of the girls likes wearing a mask out in lake. I would love to get that so I can take to lake and have pictures made with them in there new swimsuits I am crocheting them . So I hope you will get back to me. Hugs jan
