Friday, July 31, 2009

Ribbon Cutting Photos

Hey Everyone!

I am super behind on getting things posted to our blog. We recently joined the Rogers-Lowell Area Chamber of Commerce and we had our official ribbon cutting last Friday. We had lots of great ambassadors from the Chamber come out as well as some fantastic customers and all of our staff. We got to cut the ribbon with the giant scissors and everything! Anyway, one of these photos should be appearing in the papers soon, but as you know, we like to let you see it here first!

Unfortunately, I don't remember the names of all the ambassadors who came to the ribbon cutting, but on the front row along the ribbon, that's Cary with the scissors, followed by me, then Brandi in the purple, Peggy in the green and Terresa in the blue, holding Jack-Jack, Peggy's son. Behind me to the right is my mother-in-law, Cathy, who was kind enough to join us for the ribbon cutting.

Even Sam and Hannah joined in the fun!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Upcoming Yappie Hours - August 2009

Hey Everyone!

Just wanted to post the upcoming Yappie Hours. I'm especially excited about Fashionista Night. Not only are we giving you 25% OFF all clothing, but we're asking you to bring in your stylish dogs for a fashion show. The most fashionable dog will win a free sitting with Rachel Sloan Photography and get their picture in The Morning News!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Photos from the Party

Hey Everyone - Rachel posted some great photos she took at our Birthday Party. I think her photos are amazing. If you haven't checked out her website hop over to Thanks Rachel for capturing the day for us!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

After Three Years....

Wow, three years in business. My how the time flies. As we approach our third year in business, I traditionally write a nostalgic year wrap of whats happened over the last 12 months of Bigwag history, what we've learned, what we've forgotten, how we've grown, and what this year has meant to me.

Being a business owner is definitely a life changing experience. It's definitely been by far one of the most rewarding experiences I have ever taken on. Being a part of the community, seeing all of the testimonials roll in for our Year of Free Treats Contest as today is the deadline to enter from our friends and customers makes me feel good about the work we do at Bigwag. I've always felt like we were more of a health food store for dogs than anything else - even though I think our clothing line is really cute. Uploading all of the photos from our Barkday Cake collection, thinking about how many dogs we have made happy over the last three years.

Lets see, what did I learn this year? I learned that when you do the best you can, run your business with integrity, building a community (Not just being in business, but being a part of the community you do business in) you build lasting relationships with your customers - relationships that can weather a recession.

I learned how to actually get some fans on our Facebook page.

I've learned that you don't spend 7% of your gross sales on marketing and advertising, you spend 7% of what you want your sales to be. That is easier said than done.

I learned that you need a CAPTCH code on your online submission forms or else you get SPAM bots submitting erroneous Pet Calendar entries.

I've learned that Twitter CAN be a viable marketing channel for your business as long as you post interesting content and actually listen and interact with the people online.

People are surprisingly generous even when things are tight. Our Pet Angel tree at Christmas and our Puppy Shower yappie hour this spring were tremendous successes for the Humane Society of Rogers.

Persistence pays off. People may walk by our store 100 times before they come in. Sometimes you just need a flashy LED sign in your window with the right message.

I've learned that I love IPOD. I've resisted for years, but finally broke down - now I rarely leave home without mine. (My wife thinks I'm a goober). This has nothing to do with the business, but it shows that when you really find a quality product you fall in love with, you become a fan. I'm a fan. Our customers are our fans. Thank you.

Baking salmon treats actually smells worse than baking our liver treats. Might be why dogs go crazy over them. They like liver treats too - but holy cow.

I've learned that if you have never designed a logo for a real business you should leave that to the pros. We learned that the hard way. It's been a year since I redesigned our logo, and it has definately made a big difference. I wish I knew then what I know now, as I am still working on getting the logo switched over in various places (Leslie - how can I bribe you to update your website!?!).

They really do make an all natural cleaner that will take stains out of your carpet that are over a year old. It's not a myth. I was amazed and shocked.

OK - that's probably more than anyone will read, so I'll stop here. If you've read this far - thank you. Thank you from the entire Bigwag family. Without you there would not be a dog bakery in Northwest Arkansas!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Found Dog

Hey Everyone!

We found this little guy at the store. He looks like he's a Terrier/Pomeranian mix. If you know anything about him, please give us a call at (479) 631-2WAG.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

On Dog Clothing...

Hey Everyone!

I read a tweet today that was supposed to be a tip on getting your dog to wear clothes. (For those of you who'd like to follow us on twitter, you can do so at When I followed the link, the advice I found was, in my opinion, less than helpful. Something along the lines of, start when your dog is young and make sure the clothes fit. While I'm not arguing that those are good points, I hardly think that is useful to those of us who have older dogs who can learn new tricks. But, it did get me to thinking. How exactly do you get your dog to wear clothes? And more so, why should you dog wear clothes at all? So I did a little research and here's what I learned:

Why your dog should wear clothes
Of course, some of us just enjoy having cute clothes on our dogs, but there are actually a multitude of rational reasons for putting clothes on your dog. (I know, I was shocked too! :D)

Protection from cold
The best reason for canine clothing is protection from the weather. I was always raised to believe that a dog's own coat was all it needed. But, if you think about it, you realize that different breeds of dogs were bred for different purposes and different climates. You realize that a Chihuahau was designed to live in hot southern climates while the Irish Wolfhound clearly was not. What does this mean? Well, Chihuahuas (and other lean, short haired breeds) don't have the fat or the hair needed to protect it from colder Northern winters. So, during the winter and even late fall and early spring, it may be necessary for dogs with lean profiles and shorter hair to wear a sweater to protect it from the cold. Many dogs could also use the protection of boots during cold weather, especially snow or ice, which can tear the tender parts of their pads.

Protection from sun & heat
Something else to think about - dogs with thin hair or dogs with light colored hair can actually get sunburned! Now, you can put sunscreen on them, we love HappyTails Flea the Scene, but it may be easier to put them in a light tee shirt to prevent skin damage. During the summer some type of footwear may also be useful if your dog walks on concrete frequently. Their pads are susceptible to burns from hot pavement just like the bottom of your feet!

Reduction of scratching & biting

Another reason to put clothing on your dogs - Allergies. If your dog has allergies that cause them to scratch or chew, sometimes putting clothing on them can prevent them from scratching or chewing. (It's not a surefire cure, but it can help.) Plus, if the allergens are airborne, limiting the amount of skin exposed to the allergens could reduce itching.

How to Get Your Dog to Wear Clothes
We've already established that you should choose clothing that fits. Beyond that it turns out that training your dog to wear clothes is a lot like training them to do anything else. You need to be loving, but firm. That means lots of praise when they leave the clothes on properly and gentle correction when they don't.

1. Allow the dog to sniff the clothing and generally "check it out" before you put it on. That way the dog knows that the clothing is okay. Do NOT allow your dog to chew or tug on the clothing or treat it like a toy during this time.

2. While you're putting clothing on, reassure your dog that this is okay using soothing tones and gentle praise. It's recommended that you start with a simple piece of clothing, like a t-shirt, because that will be the least foreign to your dog. Frills, ruffles, bells and whistles should wait until later.

3. Allow him or her to wear the clothing for short periods of time under supervision, praising continuously.

4. Gradually increase the amount of time your dog wears the clothing and incorporate wearing clothing into routines like eating, walking, playing and sleeping so that wearing clothing becomes normal. Always heap praise on your dog while he's wearing the clothing. Treats can be used as rewards, but incorporate verbal praise as well, because otherwise your dog may only wear clothing properly when treats are present. Plus, your dog loves your attention more than anything else!

5. Keep at it! Like anything else, training your dog to wear clothes is a process that will take time. So, if you're wanting your dog to wear a cute Halloween costume, get it in advance. Because more likely than not, if you throw it on the day of the party, your dog is going to be unhappy.

A few recommendations
1. Take your dog when you're shopping for clothing and actually try clothes on. Sizes vary with designer and style, so your dog might not always be a small.

2. If your dog is a stocky breed, like a pug or bull dog, you'll generally need to go up a size to accommodate the girth of their chest.

3. Look for clothing styles and sizes that are cut high enough that your dog won't soil it, especially for male dogs. It doesn't matter how cute the outfit it, if your dog pees on it, it won't stay cute for long. :p

4. Know your dog. If they're strong, don't buy clothing intended as a harness. If they're sensitive to having their ears touched, skip the hat! Clothes should make your dog more comfortable, not less comfortable.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Our Birthday Press Release & More

Hey Everyone!

I just finished the copy for the ad we're running in next week's Morning News. It's not much different than the posters and invites we did previously, but I thought I'd post it here anyway, so you can see it! I'm also posting the press release we sent out to the local papers, just for kicks. We have lots of great vendors lined up including: American K-9 Academy, Angel Pet Sitters, Aussie Pet Mobile, Camp Bow Wow, Fetch! Petcare, Murphy Dog Park, NWA Animal Rescue, New Hope Animal Hospital, Rachel Sloan Photography, The Dog Scouts, The Errand Girl and The Frosted Cupcake. We also think Denise Holmes from Ain't Misbehavin' and Felechia from Dog Days Doggie Daycare might make it out. And the goody bags are shaping up to be pretty awesome, I won't tell you what we've got so far, but I think you'll like it! So please, stop by July 25th from 9am-12pm and join us!

P.S. If you can't make it out Saturday for some reason, we're also having a ribbon cutting with the Chamber of Commerce on Friday, July 24th at 11am, so maybe you can stop by on your lunch hour for that!

For immediate release

Bigwag Dog Bakery Celebrates 3rd Birthday

Rogers, AR- July 10, 2009

Anyone interested in a howling good time should stop by Bigwag Dog Bakery Saturday, July 25th from 9am to 12pm. Bigwag is celebrating its third year of being in business with a party sure to be enjoyed by four and two legged types. The party will include goody bags for the first 100 guests, free food, low cost micro-chipping provided by NWA Animal Rescue, vendor booths and contests. Among the contests, a Year of Free Treats for the best "why my dog loves Bigwag" story and a gift basket for the dog with the Biggest Wag. Other contests will be announced throughout the event. Entries for the Year of Free Treats may be submitted online at or in store. Runners up will receive a pound of treats of their choosing.

About Bigwag Dog Bakery
BigWag is located at 2301 W. Walnut, Suite 23, Rogers, AR in Turtle Creek Plaza. It
opened July 29, 2006.

Further Information:
What: Free food, goody bags for the first 100 guests, low cost micro-chipping provided
by NWA Animal Rescue, vendor booths, contests, prizes and much more!
Where: Bigwag Dog Bakery
2301 W. Walnut Suite 23
Rogers, AR 72756
(Behind Popeye's Chicken)
When: Saturday, July 25, 2009 9am-12pm
Why: Bigwag is celebrating its 3rd year of being business
Who: Open to the public
Cost: Free

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Yappie Hour & Newspaper Photo Op!

Hey Everyone!

Hope your Tuesday morning is a great one so far. Tonight is Luau Yappie Hour from 5pm-7pm, with 50% off Bacon & Egg Piglets and 20% off Hawaiian shirts and sundresses! But what I really wanted to let everyone know is that the Benton County Daily Record is writing a feature article on Bigwag in advance of our birthday party (July 25th 9am-12pm) and they're coming out from 5:30-6:30 tonight to take pictures of our customers in our store. So, please stop by tonight with your dogs for a chance to be in the newspaper! We'd appreciate your help in making this article a great one :D Thanks!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Choosing a Dog Bed

Our new line of dog beds - we have many sizes and styles and we're always happy to special order something for you!

Hey Everyone!

We just introduced our new line of dog beds at Tuesday's Slumber Party Yappie Hour, but in case you were still enjoying your holiday weekend, or just too busy to stop by, we thought we'd post pictures of them here. Plus, I've spent a lot of time researching dog beds lately, so I thought I'd share some of what I learned so you can choose a great bed that your dog will love!

To start, you have to consider the size of your dog. While small, medium, large is good launching point, we
recommend measuring your dog. If he typically sleeps stretched out, measure his length and and 12 inches for ideal comfort. If she like to curl up into a ball, measure the diameter of the longest part of the "ball" she makes.

Okay, so once you have measurements, then what? After all, a dog bed is something of an investment and you don't want it to just sit there unused. The second part of choosing a great bed is considering what type of sleeper you dog is. There are some major categories that your dog might fall into:

1. The Snuggler - This dog generally likes to curl up into a little ball and is most comfortable in a corner or nook type area. This dog tends to long for security and comfort.

If your dog is a snuggler, you should consider a bumper type bed. We recommend the West Paw Bumper Beds. They're available in a variety of sizes and fabrics. The raised outer bumper creates a feeling of security plus acts as a built in pillow. And the best thing about West Paw beds? They're made in the U.S.A with recycled materials. In fact, just one bumper bed can divert as many as 37.5 plastic bottles from a landfill!

A West Paw bumper bed and the great fabrics it's available in!

2. The Nester - This dog always has to turn in circles and scrunch things up before lying down. (Sam is a nester, it's really hilarious to watch him move towels and pillows around until they're just so) He'll most commonly sleep curled up, but can sleep stretched out at well. He prefers to lie on blankets, towels, pillows or anything else he can scrunch up to conform to his liking.

For this dog, we make a couple of suggestions. First, our Nuzzle Nest beds which are big and fluffy and round and stuffed with fluffy filling. The cover and fill are both machine washable. The second recommendation is the ingenious new Molly Mutt bed. The Molly Mutt beds are a stuff sack that you can fill with your old clothes, towels, blankets, etc. coupled with beautiful duvets that are easy to remove and wash. The beauty is you can fill these beds as little or as much as you want, if you fill them less, they are perfect for nesters. (An added bonus, if you have a dog with separation anxiety, like Hannah, you can put towels and clothing with your scent into this bed, which is extremely comforting.)

A stack of fluffy Nuzzle Nest beds Molly Mutt's unique stuff sack and duvet concept

3. The Den Dweller, The Sprawler and The Stomach Sleeper - The den dweller is the dog who likes to lie under things for security. This might mean under your desk at your feet, in a crate or some other somewhat enclosed area. (This is Hannah, she likes to be safe and secure probably relating to her abandonment/separation anxiety issues, common in rescue dogs) For these dogs, it's less about the bed, so here we recommend a flat mat that will easily fit into the area they use, which might also be an area you use, so you want something basic that won't get in the way. For the stomach sleeper and the sprawler the same basic rules applies, you want something that will provide comfort but take up as little space as necessary.

For these dogs, rectangular mat style beds work very well. For the den dweller, a rectangular bed is likely to fit under your desk or table and is especially made to fit a crate. For a stomach sleeper, the mat can be placed in their favorite spot without taking up a lot of your space. We carry West Paw mats in several patterns and again, these great beds are made in the U.S.A. from recycled materials. They're available in lots of colors to fit your decor or even in fun giraffe and cow prints! You can special order any size/color combination at no extra charge. The Molly Mutt beds are also rectangular in shape and could be used for these type of sleepers as well.

West Paw mats in just a few of the beautiful colors and patterns available

4. The Older/Injured Sleeper - Older dogs, especially those with arthritis or hip dysplasia need special considerations, as do dogs who have injuries that affect their ability to find a comfortable place to rest.

For these dogs we recommend Slumber Pet memory foam beds. These are just like memory foam beds for people, they conform to the shape of the dog's body and then return to their original shape after use. They are covered with a microfiber cover for ultimate comfort for dogs who need it most.

Memory Foam beds are available in a number of sizes and colors

5. The Outdoor Dog - Outdoor dogs need great beds too! For an outdoor dog you want something that's going to be easy to clean, water resistant and stain resistant. We recommend Crypton mats. Crypton has developed a fabric which is water resistant, bacteria resistant and stain resistant, which means it resists odors too! They are also the makers of our favorite all natural stain and odor remover (Unfortunately we don't have any in stock right now, because they're back ordered... such is life) Another unique bedding choice for outdoor dogs are Miracool Mats. These are similar to our cooling collars, filled with absorbent crystals that hold water for extended periods, making it a great place to lay in this hot Arkansas weather!

These Miracool Mats might not look like much, but soak them in water and they become a haven from the heat!

6. The Cat - Okay, so obviously, you don't choose a dog bed for your cat, but a great bed is as important, if not more important, to your cat! Or perhaps we should say it's more important to your furniture. If your cat is anything like mine, she picks a favorite sleeping spot, like the top of your favorite chair, and then leaves hair ALL OVER IT! If you provide a simple bed, you can remove it and throw it in the washer, saving your furniture from the obstinate hair of your cat.

We have a couple cat mats that are great. Cassie, my cat, sleeps happily on her West Paw mat. It's similar to the dog mats, except it's oval instead of rectangular. While I love that it's made in the U.S.A. and from recycled materials, my favorite feature is I can chunk the entire bed in the washer! We also carry thermal cat mats that are filled with a core that reflects a cats heat back at it, and you know how cats love to be warm and snugly. These are great for older cats or even injured or pregnant animals.

So, there are our recommendations and thought on dog beds, but please feel free to stop in and check the beds out for yourself and ask any questions you might have. We'll be happy to help and order whatever will make your dog (or cat) happy!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Summer Treats are here!

Hey Everyone!

We now have summer treats available in store and online! Four cute new treats, including a scrumptous new flavor - Beachy Peachy Starfish. Plus don't miss out on the adorable Fido Flip-Flops, Beach Umbrellas and Barkin' Beach Balls.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Patriotic Pup Winners

On Friday, I had the pleasure of presenting Winnie & Frannie with the basket they & Courtney won at last week's Yappie Hour. Courtney was very excited when she came in but not as excited as Winnie & Frannie! I got to meet them for the first time & they are just as adorable as they were in their tutus in the Patriotic Pup Parade. I look forward to seeing them in the store & I am sure I will know them right away!
Seeing you at the store,

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Patriotic Pup Parade Pictures and Winners

The $45 Gift Basket Prize
Happy 4th of July!

I hope everyone is having a fantastic holiday weekend and enjoying all the festivities and a little well deserved time off. On Tuesday we held our Patriotic Pup Parade, so I wanted to share the pictures of the contestants.

Pandy wears a Winnie the Pooh shirt in patriotic blue and red

Sasha and Addie wear matching patriotic bandannas

Missie Bee styles a patriotic bandanna and an "I love Mailmen" tee, too cute!

The Runner-Up

Miss Mollie sports a darling Uncle Sam hat and Patriotic tee

The Winners

Frannie and Winnie model their beautiful hand-made tutus

Thanks to all the contestant who made our Patriotic Pup Parade so much fun and Congratulations to Winnie and Frannie and their mom Courtney who made their lovely, sparkly tutus! They win the gift basket packed with red, white and blue toys, treats and more!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Our 3rd Birthday!

Hey Everyone!

We will be hosting our 3rd Birthday Party on July 25th from 9am-12pm! I'm very excited about all the great things we have planned for the day, so please come out an join us. I just wanted to post the invitation here and remind you to enter our Year of Free Treats contest by telling us your story at