Tuesday, March 18, 2008

One Year Anniversary of the Pet Food Recall

Hey Folks!

As we near the one year anniversary of the horrible pet food recalls from last year, I would like to take this opportunity to let people comment on any experiences they may have had, as well as give any opinions on what could be done different. Currently, absolutely nothing has changed legislatively, and all FDA recalls are voluntary with self regulation. Why has nothing changed in the last year to help protect our pets from future outbreaks like what happened?

I have read in other blogs that what happened in the US in 2007 happened before in China in 2004. Obviously these companies do not care about anything other than short term profits. The Chinese governement protects their companies from lawsuites. What safety protocols should be in place, and how do we enforce them? Are we prepared to sit by and do nothing, opening the door to similiar events in the near future?

As a consumer, you have a vote. I don't buy any food or treat made outside the United States. Apparently, these companies are not only still selling products, but are raising the prices to offset lawsuits from last year. YOU are paying for their mistakes. YOU are paying for the lawsuites against these companies. How does that make you feel?

These companies want you to sit by, idely buying their products because they spend millions of dollars to help you forget. Chime in, I want to hear from you! How has the recall affected you, and are you satisfied with what was done about it?

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