Thursday, January 28, 2010

Hannah's Birthday

Hey Everyone!

We celebrated Hannah's birthday on Tuesday, January 26th. While we don't know exactly how old Hannah is, owing to the fact that we adopted her from the Humane Society as an adult, we're saying it was her seventh! We are very grateful to the Humane Society for bringing Hannah into our lives and we wanted to give something back, so we donated 10% of all Yappie Hour purchases to them and our fantastic customers made sure the evening was a success.

We had a lot of fun and Hannah enjoyed having the store and the attention all to herself. (Sam stayed at home and probably slept on the couch.)

As a rule, we try to come up with something fun and new for each of a the dogs' birthdays. For Sam's birthday we came up with the dog food bowl cake, which meant we really had to top ourselves for Hannah. We tossed around a lot of cute cake ideas from cakes shaped like her favorite toys to new flavors.

But, in the end it wasn't the cake that was the innovation, but rather what was on top - Edible Dog Candles! I think Hannah may be the very first dog to ever have them! Of course, they don't actually burn, but they're cute just the same, and as far as Hannah was concerned, they're better because you can eat them!

I'm looking forward to carrying them in the store soon, in a variety of fun colors so that all Arkansas dogs can celebrate their birthdays in style!


  1. Too cute! I'm glad you all enjoyed the snowy weather today.

  2. sorry i missed tonight. we were slushing (new Olympic sport) at the dog park.
    the candles are cute on a cupcake.
