Tuesday, February 23, 2010

What is International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day?

If you think modern holidays have gone to the dogs, you may be right. So today is officially recognized as "International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day".

According to Holiday Insights:
International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day is a day for the dogs. And, that's because there is no one else who can really appreciate the true value of a dog biscuit. They say "Every dog has his day". And, it will definitely be his day,when you give him some tasty dog biscuits.
You might appreciate their value in pleasing your dog, as a reward for behavior, or enticing them to do a trick. But, the dog is the recipient of the treat.

Celebrate today by giving your dog a few dog biscuits.
WHERE did this holiday come from exactly? While many people think this is absolutely the most absurd holidy on the books, I think this holiday has some genuine value.
Apparently nobody knows the origin of this holiday. Known records point to the first observance of this holiday on February 23, 2006. Lots of pet organizations, including the ASPCA have this event on their calendars. This holiday is observed from pet businesses with scavenger hunts, biscuit and tea parties, to fraternity drinking games, and might be slightly more popular than National Banana Bread Day (which is also today). There is even a craft page dedicated to making a "Biscuit Dog".

I think the best use of this holiday, however, has to go to the girls scouts. There are several groups that use this holiday to earn their service projects awards. They bake the biscuits themselves and share them with dogs that are homeless, help people, or are - Animal Heros:
  • Eyes for those who are blind (dogs and miniature horses)
  • Ears for those who can not hear
  • Hands for those who are mobility impaired (Capuchin monkeys are especially adept at this)
  • Dogs, pigs and miniature horses pull wheelchairs
  • Search and rescue animals
  • Trained dogs with sensitive noses to sniff out bombs, illegal drugs, and other contraband.
  • Companion animals provide emotional support for people in hospices, hospitals, and other situations in which loneliness and lack of stimulation are continual problems
  • Companion animals help those with autism connect with the world (parrots are especially good for this)
  • Dogs trained to alert their masters their blood sugar has dropped or they are about to have a seizure
  • Dogs trained to detect the early stages of some cancers through their sense of smell
  • Therapy cats can help humans lower their blood pressure and reduce stress by creating a calming environment when stroked
Here's a recipe for some Bow-Wow Biscuits:
Bow Wow Biscuits
Bow-Wow Biscuits Ingredients:
Whole wheat
• Yeast that is nutritional
• Baking powder
• Baking soda
• Slight salt
• Milk, preferably skimmed milk

The procedure:

Mix the whole wheat, yeast, baking powder and baking soda, as well as the salt together. Then add the milk, kneading the mixture to prepare the dough to be baked. Once you have a fluffy dough ready roll it out flat and cut into smaller pieces. Place these pieces of the dough into the baking dish. Put it in the oven for about twenty minutes, setting it at 450 degree Fahrenheit.
I personally think this is outstanding, and I can tell you how much dogs appreciate a good biscuit. If you've ever taken donations by your local animal shelter and actually fed some of the treats to the dogs there then you can truly appreciate what a single dog biscuit means to some dogs - it makes their whole day. I get this opportunity often because our customers so graciously donate treats on a regular basis that we take to the Humane Society of Animals. I'ts very moving to see them so excited about a single cookie or the human contact/attention. I wish I could take them all home.

So - not so silly of a holiday perhaps? Well, maybe the drinking games are...

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