Thursday, July 22, 2010

Thank You Lillian, Stella & Margaret!

Hey Everyone!

I've typed this blog about a hundred times, but I can't seem to express the words that are in my heart as well as I'd like.  You see, yesterday Lillian and Stella, our winners of last year's Year of Free Treats, came in for their very last free treats.  And it made me want to break down and cry right there in the store.  I know, that probably seems ridiculous, but here's the thing.  Lillian and Stella are truly remarkable dogs.  And I feel blessed and honored to have been able to provide their treats over the past year.  I'm sure I'm still not making any sense.  Perhaps I should mention that Lillian and Stella are search and rescue dogs.  And that they recently worked at Albert Pike State Park.  Along with their owner Margaret Choffel, they do a job that I can only imagine is back breaking and heartbreaking.  I know that I could never bring myself to do their job and that makes me so grateful that they do it, because I also know that families need answers and closure in situations as devastating as the recent flash floods.  So, I feel like giving Lillian and Stella treats for a year was the very least that we could do and I feel like there will never be enough words to express how truly grateful we are that they do the work they do.

And since the words to say all of that are just not making themselves available, I will simply say this.  Thank you Lillian and Stella and thank you Margaret.  I am truly honored to call you customers.

Below is Margaret's winning entry from last year's story contest.  We will be announcing the winner for this year's photo contest at our birthday party on Saturday.
"My name is Margaret Choffel, I am part of the K-9 unit for Washington County Search and Rescue. I've been part of the team for the past ten years. My first search dog, Annie, was a hero, with finds to her credit, sadly died in her prime at five years of age. I currently have two Labrador females, Stella does area air scenting live find searches and cadaver searches.. She has helped to find lost victims, and has been on recovery missions as well, she is five years old and when she isn't doing SAR work, Stella goes to the Veteran's Home weekly to visit the patients, I also show her in local dog shows.. She loves her ball and as a Lab she loves treats as well.

Lillian is a yellow Lab, she is half sister to Stella and is a year younger at four years of age. Lillian's speciality is land cadaver, she has a very nice passive indication and loves treats as a reward. On her off time she also joins her sister in weekly visits to the Veteran's Home and likes to strut in the show ring when she can.. Search and Rescue requires lots of time and effort and is all voluntary. 99% of the expenses are born by the handler, the Girls work for treats, so a year's worth of treats for rewards would be very welcome."

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