Thursday, July 17, 2008

Dog Parks Petition Available Online

The Walt Eilers for Mayor Campaign kicked off a collaborative push for additional dog parks July 5th by holding a short dog parade at the Fayetteville Farmers' Market. More than twenty local people and their pets participated. The campaign passed out gourmet treats contributed by BigWag. The campaign also used the event to collect information from dog owners through a simple survey it distributed. That same survey and a petition can now be found at

The city has tried twice before to add additional parks, but its efforts have been defeated both times by citizens opposed to the idea. Committed pet owners must come together to convince the city that these dog parks will benefit the community. They will provide dogs and their owners a safe place to exercise and socialize. The Walt Eilers for Mayor Campaign wants to see a proper dog park in each of the Parks and Recreation Department's four quadrants, but making those parks a reality will take a collaborative effort.

The city currently offers one dog park next to the newly renovated animal shelter. The Parks and Rec Department hopes to make Lake Wilson Park an off-leash facility. While we welcome the move, Lake Wilson is located east of the airport in Fayetteville, making it somewhat inconvenient to most. That said, should the park be made an off-leash site, dog owners should make frequent use of the facility to demonstrate their support.

We encourage everyone to complete the (very) short survey at to sign the petition, both of which can be found at (And for those concerned about politics, doing either in no way represents an endorsement.) The campaign plans to present the information and signatures gathered to the city as proof that citizens are committed to making additional dog parks a reality.

Feel free to email concerns, questions, or ideas to

Submitted by guest blogger Greg Leding - campaign manager for Walt Eilers.

1 comment:

  1. When I visitied New York in March I was thrilled to see Central Park dog parks every four miles in the park itself. These are sponsered by individuals but run by the city. The grounds are peagravel, commercially displayed bags are available for pick up and the city empties the garbage cans just like they do all the others.Parks promote good ownership, cut down on the number of dogs let out to run for excercise and can encourage spay and neuter They also promote education and adoptions. Please lets get at least two for F-ville
