Monday, July 7, 2008

The New Rawhide

I just heard that they are about to be marketing a new type of rawhide - "Organic Rawhide". Not only will this rawhide be organically grown, but may contain added vitamins and minerals.

This really makes me sad. Organic, vitamin enriched, super rawhide is still not 100% DIGESTIBLE, causing digestive track blockages, and even death. Do we really have such a landfill problem we can't just throw this (&@% away?

According to the ASPCA:
While many dogs enjoy nibbling on rawhide, some tend to swallow it—and this could potentially pose a foreign body obstruction in your pet's gastrointestinal tract if large enough pieces are swallowed.

If you do decide to offer rawhide, you may want to supply your dog with only limited quantities, and take care to dispose of any pieces that get chewed down to a size that could be swallowed whole. There are now many alternatives to rawhide chews, so you might want to ask your local veterinarian and/or pet supply store to help you find a chew that you can feel comfortable giving your dog.

Here are articles from Associated Content, and the National K9 Dog Trainers Association. Even Petsmart admits rawhide chews are not good for dogs left unsupervised. Here's a test - take a piece of rawhide chew and soak it in a glass of water for 48 hours.

Be careful of anyone who recommends rawhide chews - especially if they sell them. It's hard to find anyone who will make a stand against rawhide, because there is so much money involved. It's easy to say "Rawhide is just fine" when they will be happy to sell you some Chew-eze.

I guess I will just relegate myself to not being the most profitable pet store out there, but I stand behind all of my products (I refuse to carry rawhide, organic or not) and I sleep very well at night. I think the FDA should require a "Veterinarian General's Warning" on all rawhide products. If we all stop buying them, eventually they'll stop selling them.

On a side note - Here is a great chart on dangers for your dog by Ava Schutzman.

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