Friday, May 28, 2010

So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Adieu

Hey Everyone!

Saying good-bye is never easy, but as a small business owner, I find it particularly difficult, because everyone who works for me is a part of our business, our dream, our livelihood and our family.  So it's with sadness that I type this post to let you all know that Terresa is leaving us.  Over the past two years, Terresa has been the creative force behind Bigwag, coming up with countless new innovations from recipes like Beachy Peachy Starfish to endless types of hand decorated treats that everyone has come to expect at the holidays.  She has pushed us all to create cuter, more colorful barkday cakes in a range of designs.  She will be sorely missed.  At the same time, we are happy for her and her family, because she is taking a full time job that will mean new opportunities.  So, thank you, Terresa and good luck in the future.
  One of Terresa's most recent cake designs
Margarita Treats were just one of Terresa's many creations
P.S. Terresa will be here Monday (Memorial Day) morning, so if you'd like to drop by and wish her well, you can see her then.  She's also promised to help out with our birthday on July 24th and I plan of holding her to that!

1 comment:

  1. oh teresa..may the road rise up to meet you,
    may the wind be ever at your back!!
    do good be good

    visit often..thanks for all the art and loveliness you brought to us.
    love toni steve georgia rose nick and josie the roller derby girl
