Thursday, June 25, 2009

Dog Clothing at Bigwag!

a small section of the new clothing

Hey Everyone!

It's official, we now have dog clothing at Bigwag!!! :D :D If you can't tell, I'm more than a little excited. When we opened the store almost three years ago, we had a vision of what it would be. However, the banks didn't exactly believe in our vision, which meant no loans. But, we were convinced that the dogs of NWA deserved high quality treats, food, chews and much more. So, we started off small, with what we could afford to put in and we've slowly but surely built it up towards what we originally intended. We still have more that we'd like to add (I'm sure it will always be that way... if you aren't growing, you're dying), but today we made a giant leap forward by adding clothing. We have beds in stock as well, we're just waiting on some shelving to display them, but they'll be out soon.

The feeling of accomplishment is amazing. I have to admit there have been more than a few times that we found ourselves wondering if the banks were right after all. But today, it feels as if they were dead wrong and I'm loving it. And I want to say thank you to all of you who believe in us, who come in and tell us how much your dogs love our treats or how well they're doing on the food we carry. Those comments have been the driving force, the push we needed when we felt like we couldn't keep going. We would have never made it this far without your loyalty and support. And I hope you all know how much you mean to us. When we say that our customers are part of our Bigwag family, we genuinely mean it. I know that sounds cheesy, so I'll stop and just post the pictures of the clothing, but please, please know that we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for helping us achieve all that we have and all that's yet to come.

P.S. We will be celebrating our three years of being in business, Saturday, July 25th from 9am-12pm. There will be contests, food and much more, I'll post the invite here as soon as I finish it, but please, save the date because we want to celebrate with you!

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