Friday, June 26, 2009

Good-bye Doggy Fountain

Hello All!

In a supplement to yesterday's post about the clothing, I wanted to post some pictures of the end of the doggy fountain. We have mixed feelings about the fountain leaving the store. When we originally put it in, it was mostly as means of taking up space. A place holder like the ficus trees and potted plants that we used to make the store not look so barren. So, in some respects the fountain leaving is a mark of accomplishment, showing that we at last have no space fillers in the store. It almost makes us feel as though we've finally arrived. But, at the same time, the fountain somehow became more than a space filler over the past 3 years. It became a part of our identity, a symbol of our uniqueness. And that makes it hard to get rid of, because in no way do we want to seem more cookie cutter, less unique. So, I'm posting pictures of it's final moments in the store as both a triumph and a momento. And I have Cary's word that there will be a smaller, but still unique, doggy fountain in our future!

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