Thursday, April 2, 2009

Frontline Special

Hey Everyone!

Hope this finds you well on this somewhat gloomy day. I wanted to let you know that we're running a special on Frontline for the next week - through close of business April 11th. I know how expensive Frontline Plus can be, but I also know how important it is to protect your dogs from ticks and fleas. I also know from first hand experience that the cheap stuff at Wal-Mart is no substitute. Last year we thought we'd save ourselves 20 bucks and we bought the flea stuff of the shelf and Sam had uncontrollable tremors and drooling until we washed it off! When I took him to the vet, I was told that's fairly typical because the chemicals in the store brand stuff are super strong. Obviously, it was NOT a way I will every try to skimp again.

Anyway, the point is we now carry Frontline Plus in the store and we're giving you a chance to order with us for the next week. It will cost you what it costs us, so on average you'll save $6.50 a box for a three month supply. I know it's not a lot, but I figure every little bit helps. What we need you to do is just order in advance (you will have to pay at the time of ordering), either online or in the store to get this price. When it comes in, you just pick it up at your convenience. I figure it will be in around April 20th. Here's hoping this helps you save a little money and protect your pets this Spring! We do ask you to keep your orders to maximum of 3 boxes, please.

To order online, click here Make sure you choose the PRE-ORDER from the online store, that's the one that will save you money. If you order the regular version, you'll get your Frontline right away but you won't get the wholesale price. Sometime good things are worth the wait!

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